Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 8 - Wanganui to Ruakawa Falls, Raetihi, Ohakune

Day eight we left Wanganui all in different directions. Don't blame the drivers it was the GPS systems that took vans by different routes to get everyone onto State Highway 49. Those who read maps did the best, however we all made it and travelled quietly along SHW 49. This road is fairly up and down and our bus had to use the gears alot. The area is well worth the trip with different forests and views up gullies and rivers.

We went into the Ruakawa Falls. This is a YMCA Camp that allows motorhomes to park. There is water, dump and power. We walked to the Falls and got a good view. The track was a bit rough. We carried on to Raetihi for lunch and spent a relaxing hour in the sun.

After lunch we carried on to Ohakune. We walked around the town then went to the Ohakune Club. This a fantastic place to park. There is a large flat grass area to park on, water, dump and a friendly bar. We spent the afternoon increasing our vitamin D levels in the sun, flying a kite that Tony bought, visiting the bar and having a walk in the cool of the evening.

Gwenda was the Wally of the Day for warning everyone about an obstruction and hittng it herself.

                                          Ruakawa Falls

                                          Ruakawa Falls

                                          Gloria lost in the scrub

                                          The group viewing the Falls

                                          Lunch at Raetihi

                                                       Don at Raetihi

                                                        Flying the kite at Ohakune

                                          Ohakune Club grounds

                                          Ohakune Club grounds - fantastic

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