Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 15 - Pembroke Hall to Stratford, Eltham, Kapuni, Normanby Golf Club

Day fifteen started late because of the rain and increasing wind. About 10 o'clock we ventured into Stratford to walk the main street and look for dress-up materials. Op Shops are good. Saturday is dress-up night so everyone was preparing. After lunch we waited in the main street for the one o'clock chimes from the town clock. After the chime doors opened and figures appeared and acted out the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. The town clock has the only Glockenspiel in New Zealand.

We then drove in the wind to Eltham to view the cheese factory but has since shifted so we drove to the Kapuni gas plant to see the structure. After a while there we drove to the Normanby Golf Club to parke for the afternoon and night. We parked our buses and several decided to go on power to charge, computers, phones, batteries, etc. Lynn and Bob decided to play 9 holes of golf so several other went with them. While they were away the wind increased and the buses were shifted to shelter by the buildings. It looks like a rock and roll night.

                                          Kapuni gas plant

                                                    Glockenspiel in town clock.

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