Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 22 - Raglan to Hamilton

Day twenty-two saw us dumping and filling with water in Raglan. We left about 9.00am and drove straight to Hamilton, parking at the Glenview Club. This is a lovely facility with a dump station and water. We tried to con the grounds person into giving us his tractor and trailer to go into town. It didn't work but we got a group photo.

We used our Gold Cards and went into town by bus, free. The girls decided to catch another bus and went to the Hamilton Zoo. They enjoyed their time and some pics are below. The guys visited several shops, had lunch, then caught the Glen View bus back, got off on the way and went to look at the gear at RV World. We had to walk a long way from the bus stop. At RV World we looked at different things that could help motorhoming. Very little was bought. We then walked home, a very long way. By the time we arrived we were hot, bothered and ready for an early Happy Hour.

Today everyone were perfect little angels and the Wally Award stayed around Don's neck.

                                          Ready for Hamilton town???

                                          Val, Lynn and Kay at the zoo

                                                    Zoo pics

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