Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 24 - Moana Roa Reserve to Karapiro, Matamata, Pukekohe

Day twenty-four started early after a noisy night. The reserve was a beautiful place but the road noise from State Highway 1 was loud and kept most awake. Before leaving the reserve we watched the scullers training. We then drove back to Karapiro Village to see the dam and the rowing venue.

We then drove to Matamata where we all topped up our gas bottle and several filled with diesel. We the drove to the Firth Tower and museum. We visited the buildings and then had lunch. The Firth Tower area is a POP stop. We the drove to the Wairere Falls. These are further inland and when we arrived at the road head there was a 45 minute walk into the hills. As we could see the falls in the distance and time was short we decided to move on.

Having heard the the parking places we had chosen for the night were unsuitable we decided to drive to Pukekohe Club. There were four vans with a GPS each and therefore we had four different routes, but we made it in time for a lovely roast meal in the club.

Mort and Gwenda and Ian and Sally joined us at the club. Tomorrow several groups are going their own way.

The Wally Award went to Gwenda as she dropped some meat at the club and kicked it under at table. As Gwenda will not be with us to pass it on we might have a few Wally free days.

                                          Scullers on Lake Karapiro

                                          The Lake Karapiro dam.

                                          Wairere Falls in the distance.

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