Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 3 - Off to the big smoke

Day three saw Mort and Gwenda leave us for a few days. They went to the Masterton area to see their daughter and grandchildren. The rest of us decided to take the train into Wellington, a chance to use our Gold Cards, to do some shopping and looking. The train line was closed from the Mana station to Porirua so we went by bus and then by train into the city.

We walked around the city, Gloria wanted a cellphone and Val shoes. These were purchased and lunch was in a food court. The instructions were - eat plenty there is no tea tonight - which we did. The guys spent plenty of time outside rag shops waiting on the girls. In the whole central city area there are no bloke shops. While waiting we had to amuse ourselves. Tony and Don are trouble makers.

We then travelled back to Mana by bus and train and decided to go back into Ngatitoa Domain for the night, which became very windy.

                                                     The Beehive, where the drones are

                                          What bored boys do outside rag shops - Tony

                                          What bored boys do outside rag shops - Don
                                 The Group less Gloria - Old Parliament Building in background

                                                        Homeward bound on the train

The Wally of the Day Award goes to Bob. His grey tank was leaking and we spent time looking for the leak only to discover that he hadn't emptied it and it was overflowing

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