Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 23 - Hamilton to Cambridge and Moana Roa Reserve (#394) Karapiro

Day twenty-three was a beautiful fne day. After servicing our buses we drove to the Hamilton Gardens. The gardens are made up of multiple gardens from various countries and is well worth the visit. Time is required to get the most from this. See the pics to note the attractions.

We then drove to Cambridge where we did the supermarket thing, had lunch then walked the shopping centre. There is a lot of boutique shops, and very few of the same old shops that frequent most main towns. After this we made our own way to Karapiro and the Moana Roa Reserve (#394). This spot is beside the lake for the Karapiro dam and is a great boat launching area. We sat under the trees in the shade and watch the boats and waterskiers. A great spot for the night.

Don decided that the Wally Award should go back to Barry for leaving his vehicle unlocked when he left it to go around town.

                                          The entrance to the vaious gardens

                                          The Egyptian Garden

                                          Japanese Garden

                                          Bridge in Japanese Garden

                                          Bonsai in Japanese Garden

                                                       Chinese Garden

                                                       Don and MM in American Garden

Indian Garden\

                                              Italian Garden -

                                                       and fountain\
                                           Maori Garden

                                                       Family Garden

                                          Parked at Moana Roa Reserve

                                          Time for 4T Winks after a hard day

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