Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 44 - Simpson's Beach to Whitianga, Whenuakite, Tairua, Pauanui, Whangamata & Waihi Beach

Day forty-four arrived with rain. We left Simpson's Beach and drove into Whitianga to dump and fill with water. After coffee we left town heading south. We stopped at Whenuakite School where Trudi went to school so she could get a photo of herself by the school sign.

We then drove on to Tairua but it was raining so we kept the wheels turning. We turned into Pauanui and drove through and around the town. It was dead. Not a sole around. We had lunch and the other group was further along the beach having their lunch.

We then drove on to Whangamata and parked where the other three were. We walked the town and arrived back at the vans and the others had left but left criptic messages on our buses - BABY ABOARD. We drove to the beach for a cuppa then on to Waihi Beach to park at the RSA. The other three were there so we enjoyed a meal in the club.

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