Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 35 - Whangaruru Doc Camp to Whangarei

On day thirty-five we left Whangaruru Doc Camp early and wound our way to Whangarei. We arrived early and went into town for a light lunch then we split to do things for ourselves. Gloria, Bob and I walked in the heat to Burnsco. I wanted a new dump hose. Unfortunately they didn't have one so we had to walk all the way back to another store where they sold pipe. In was probably a lot cheaper.

Mid afternoon Gloria and I walked to our cousin's place and had dinner with them. Crayfish, juicy steaks, and very filling dessert. It was great to see them. We had to walk back home and the heat at 9 o'clock was still stifling. Then other went for a long walk in the evening to view the boats in the boat harbour.

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