Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 31 - Maitai Bay to Rangiputa, Cable Bay, Coopers Beach, Taupo Bay, Kerikeri

Day thirty-one arrived fine and warm. Sally and Ian decided to stay at Maitai Bay while we left heading for Kerikeri. First we drove to Rangiputa Beach and then drove on to Cable Bay where we had morning tea. We then pulled into Coopers Beach where we had to photograph all the Coopers by the beach sign, then we walked down to the beach for another photo shoot.

We drove into Taupo Bay where we had lunch and a paddle in the water. It is a beautiful bay but limited room for motorhomes to freedom park. The grind out of the bay is very steep and is the first time I have had to us second gear on a hill climb.

We then drove to Kerikeri where we met up with Tony and Trudi who have been travelling alone. We parked at the RSA and had a beautiful meal. Guess who won a meat raffle? Me. It is extremely hot here.

                                          The Coopers @ Coopers Beach - Gloria Lineham
                                          (nee) Cooper. Lynn & Bob Cooper, Val & Don

                                          Coopers @ Coopers Beach

                                          Taupo Bay

                                          This hill is scared to the Maori, not to be climbed

                                          Taupo Bay view

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