Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 77 - Mana to Wellington (Bluebridge Ferry), Blenheim Racecourse

Day seventy-seven was our last day in the North Island before crossing on the ferry later in the day. After writing the blog on Day 76 we were watching a guy fishing just beside our bus. Just after 5pm he hooked a fish, probably a stingray, and he began playing it. This went on until after the 6pm TV1 news, 2 hours, when suddenly the line broke. He was one tied guy but pleased to have a great contest.

We left Mana just after nine and drove into Wellington and parked at the Bluebridge terminal. On the way in there was a large crusie ship which we thought we might buy with the remain group SKI money. Unfortunately they wouldn't take the 2/6 we had so we bought a Wicked van.

We left Wellington at1pm and arrive in Picton at 4.30pm. We drove to Blenheim, bought fish and chips and parked at the racecourse for the night. Back on the Mainland.

                                                    One tired fisherman just befor the line broke

                                           They wouldn't take 2/6d for the ship - SKI money

                                          Our new SKI van

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