Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 60 - Lake Tutira to Napier & Clive

Day sixty and two months on the road. Our group became smaller today with Tony and Trudi moving on to visit family. They may join us again later.

We drove from Lake Tutira and stopped on the coastline before Napier for morning tea. We then continued on into Napier where we did our laundry and walked the shops. Marine Parade with it's fountains, gardens and other visitor activities is well maintained. Very nice.

After lunch in town we drove to Clive area, right beside the sea and parked up. There is just three vans tonight - Mort and Gwenda, Don, and Gloria and Weldon. We are nearly on the last legs of the North Island.

                                                    Marine Parade photos
                                                    Flower gardens

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