Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 78 - Blenheim to HOME (or wherever)

Day seventy-eight was our last day. We left Blenheim just after nine and had a leisurely drive to Nelson. HOME!!!!  THE END

Day 77 - Mana to Wellington (Bluebridge Ferry), Blenheim Racecourse

Day seventy-seven was our last day in the North Island before crossing on the ferry later in the day. After writing the blog on Day 76 we were watching a guy fishing just beside our bus. Just after 5pm he hooked a fish, probably a stingray, and he began playing it. This went on until after the 6pm TV1 news, 2 hours, when suddenly the line broke. He was one tied guy but pleased to have a great contest.

We left Mana just after nine and drove into Wellington and parked at the Bluebridge terminal. On the way in there was a large crusie ship which we thought we might buy with the remain group SKI money. Unfortunately they wouldn't take the 2/6 we had so we bought a Wicked van.

We left Wellington at1pm and arrive in Picton at 4.30pm. We drove to Blenheim, bought fish and chips and parked at the racecourse for the night. Back on the Mainland.

                                                    One tired fisherman just befor the line broke

                                           They wouldn't take 2/6d for the ship - SKI money

                                          Our new SKI van

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 76 - Mana to Porirua to Mana

Day seventy-six is our last day in the North Island as we are booked on Bluebridge tomorrow. Today we used the gold card again and went to Porirua and walked the shops. On return we were in the bus reading and watching all the boats going or returning from fishing, sailing or crusiing. The day was perfect for everything. This area is well used.

A bit of excitement when an outrigger canoe sank and the people slowly made it to shore. One or two of the paddlers looked all-in when they walked past us.

Tomorrow we cross at 1.00.pm and may go onto Blenheim racecourse for the night. Yet to be decided.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 75 - Mana to Wellington and back to Mana

Day seventy-five was a nice fine day. We took the bus (goldcard) to Wellington and spent the day in Te Papa. The Brian Brake photography exhibition was brillant. To me the rest was so so. While in town we booked our ferry crossing for 1.00pm Monday.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 74 - Levin to Mana

Day seventy-four was fine after over night showers. We got the bus ready for moving and spent time with Rex and Valma. It was very hard to say goodbye. Rex is not well. We drove slowly to Mana and parked just before lunch. Gloria wanted to watch the Memorial Service for Christchurch.

Today at Mana is very windy. At present there is an old caravan and one other campervan.

Day 73 - Palmerston North to Levin

Day seventy-three we left Palmerston North at about 10am after a wonderful meal with friends the night before. We drove slowly towards Levin, stopping for a while in Shannon. On arrival in Levin we went to several shops before going to Rex and Valma's house where we parked. We spent the afternoon talking about our travels. Later we went to Rita and Ivan's place with Rex and Valma. We had a lovely meal and a chance to catch-up with my sister.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 72 - Wanganui to Palmerston North

Day seventy-two started slowly as we awoke late. We left Wanganui and drove straight to Palmerston North. Upon arrival we tried to see if we could park at the RSA but they were going to be full for the night. After some shopping we went to the camping ground and booked a site then went to Jen and Graham Hubbard's (Wendy's parents) for the afternoon and a lovely meal. We then drove back to our parking site.